Renovation of the 61,300sf Memorial Student Center at the University of Wisconsin-Stout were directed by the design committee’s vision statement: “The student center will provide welcoming high-energy, gathering spaces with bright colors along with cozy, comfortable atmospheres. Cutting-edge technology and sustainability will meet the community’s ever-changing needs. It will be a destination to experience the arts, discuss ideas, and embrace diversity, as well as a place to grow, socialize, study, eat, and have fun.” According to Darrin Witucki, Student Center Director, “Another goal was to create contemporary dining locations, and our dining operations have been transformed. They are beautiful, inviting and efficient. Our partners in university dining service really hit a home run on every level and those results were the product of a lot of listening, planning and attention to detail.” Ann Thies, Director of Dining, stated that “Design work with architects started a year before construction and our planning truly paid off. “