Missouri S&T selected Mackey Mitchell to provide an actionable yet visionary comprehensive campus master plan to guide near and long-term development of the 311-acre campus. The master plan seeks to align with the University’s strategic plan and the Chancellor’s bold vision which is rooted in three key strategic areas: recruitment and retention, innovation and entrepreneurial thinking, and regional economic development. This vision included growing overall enrollment by 50% resulting in much emphasis on the sense of arrival and visitor experience as well as improving the experience of current students, faculty and staff.
Our team conducted an extensive discovery process that included engagement with undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff and key campus stakeholders. A space utilization analysis and space needs assessment was performed to identify current campus space needs and project the future needs related to the University’s enrollment goals. To cast a wide net, an online campus life survey was delivered to the entire campus community in order to uncover opportunities to improve the out of classroom experience. The data collected informed an iterative physical planning process leading to development of principles and projects that would support S&T’s strategic objectives. It became clear that the physical campus needed to be better leveraged to tell S&T’s story, making the arrival district a top priority.
The campus master plan has provided an actionable vision which S&T is well on their way executing. The campus community and strategic partners have rallied around the arrival district whose implementation will transform the experience of the physical campus. The proposed R&D Park is another exciting component of the master plan which will have tremendous positive impact on Missouri S&T, the City of Rolla and the region. The Park will be home to critical advanced manufacturing research and prototype development projects, enabled by a major gift and fueled by S&T’s leading-edge researchers, corporate and industry partners. We are inspired by Missouri S&T’s asking the question “Why not S&T?” and driving a bold vision while many institutions are focused on defense.
Passion + Perspective
Early concept study for campus arrival district
Early concept study for campus arrival district
Early concept study for campus arrival district
Mackey Mitchell has been instrumental in coordinating input from various levels of leadership on campus and providing clarity to our vision. The team has articulated well a compelling and inspiring vision for Missouri S&T that will guide us for the next 10 years.
- Fred Stone Director of Design, Construction, & Space Management