A private, male college prep school, CBC's 1,000+ students had outgrown their old facility in Clayton. The primary design goal was to carry on the rich architectural tradition of the Clayton campus, formerly housed in a handsome Collegiate Gothic structure. The resulting design is an H-plan with impressive twin turrets that guard the school's main entry, approached through a limestone Tudor arch reminiscent of their former campus. The $38.8 million, 240,000SF school includes a memorial quadrangle, a two-story academic wing with 52 classrooms, library, a 369-seat theater, 500-seat dining facility, and a chapel.
A major challenge facing the architect was to fit the new facility on a tight site while complying with stringent zoning ordinances while preserving trees and green space. The new campus occupies only 15 acres of the 24.78-acre site, with a portion of the remaining green space dedicated as a forest preserve. The building's exterior is composed of red brick and limestone trim. Masonry details add scale and interest, while the pitched, clay-tile roof are reminiscent of CBC's Clayton campus.
For over 160 years, CBC students have come from more than 100 different parishes and public schools representing a cross section of religious, ethnic, social and economic backgrounds. With CBC's wide variety of learning programs, performing arts, music curricula and athletic programs, the building has met a variety of needs. Brother Lawrence Humphrey, former President, Christian Brothers College High School said, "With its functionality and its 'wow' factor, the building beautifully reflects our tradition while addressing the latest educational and technological needs."
Passion + Perspective
Early renderings are useful as the design is developed. Here are two renderings of the chapel where the design team is studying the retable.
Architectural models are very useful. This model was built with a removable roof in order to understand the relationship of the interior spaces.
This image shows a rendering of the cafeteria space.
Working drawings are often pinned on the wall for design team progress meetings.
The photo above shows the auditorium space during construction.
You listened to what we wanted and delivered just that.
- Brother Lawrence Humphrey (Former) President, CBC High School